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Clean or Not? ๐Ÿ›‘ What You NEED to Know Before You Buy

Clean or Not? ๐Ÿ›‘ What You NEED to Know Before You Buy
Outdated Regulations on Toxic Chemicals in Canada and the USA are a Major Threat to Human Health. The average adult uses between 6 and 15 personal care products daily, containing roughly anywhere from about 112 to 170 chemicals, many of which are banned in other countries. And our skin has over 5 million pores. Here's a list of what to avoid. Continue reading

Your home is an ecosystem

Your home is an ecosystem

WE ourselves are part ofย our home's ecosystem.

Which of these life forms/species do we want to protect and "feed"? Our plants, yes. Our pets, yes. Our families, of course! (Spiders...reluctantly.) No one wants to "feed" harmful mould, yeast and viruses. Or create a breeding ground for mutant "superbugs". And yet...

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